Offering complete solutions to all your computer needs. Do you currently have a website that is outdated and needs a facelift? Are you thinking of launching your business onto the fastest growing advertising media (the internet) but don't know where to begin? Let us develop a custom solution to fit your needs. Browse our complete packages or inquire about a unique quote specifically to suit what you need.
Computer Creations Web Services And Pricing
Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
1 Page* | 5 Pages* | 10 Pages* | 15+ Pages* |
Domain | Domain Name | Domain Name | Domain Name |
5 Graphics scanned/edited | 15 Graphics scanned/edited | 30 Graphics scanned/edited | 50 Graphics scanned/edited |
1 Form (inquiry, request) | 1 Form | 2 Forms | 2 Forms |
engine | **Search engine submission | **Search engine submission | **Search engine submission |
N/A | N/A | 1 CGI (calendar, guest book) | 2 CGI |
N/A | N/A | Frontpage extensions | Frontpage extensions |
N/A | N/A | N/A | On site search |
2 E-mail accounts | 5 E-mail accounts | 10 E-mail accounts | 15 E-mail accounts |
Web based statistics | Web based
stat | Web based statistics | Web based statistics |
Monthly updates | Monthly updates | Monthly updates | Monthly updates |
$100 One-time setup | $200 One-time setup | $300 One-time setup | $400 One-time setup |
$20 / month hosting fee | $30 / month hosting fee | $40 / month hosting fee | $50 / month hosting fee |
* One page refers to approximately one 8.5” x 14” typed legal sized paper or equivalent
Don't fit into one of our packages? Ask about custom quotes to better suit you.
**Monthly search engine submission available at additional.
One page | Ad only |
1 Page (includes company background, hours of operation, and contact information) 5 Graphics scanned/edited One time submission to search engines. | Similar to a newspaper listing
(5 line limit) |
Linked from for example: |
Example: Computer Creations
Marsh Harbor, Abaco |
$100 one-time setup fee | $25 one-time setup fee |
$10 / month hosting fee | No Hosting Fee |
With either of these options there
is a $100 fee per year to link to an existing website |
Free changes made to these packages such as change of phone number or business hours.
Option A | Option B | Option C | Option D |
1 Product page | 3 Product pages | 5 Product pages | 10 Product pages |
Secure on-line ordering | Secure on-line ordering | Secure on-line ordering | Secure on-line ordering |
Email notification of order | Email notification of order | Email notification of order | Email notification of order |
$200 one-time setup fee | $300 one-time setup fee | $400 one-time setup fee | $500 one-time setup fee |
$20 / month hosting fee | $30 / month hosting fee | $40 / month hosting fee | $50 / month hosting fee |
E-commerce website packages may be combined with a complete package for a $10 / month discount.
Option I | Option II | Option III | Option IV |
15 MB of storage | 25 MB of storage | 35 MB of storage | 45 MB of storage |
5 E-mail accounts | 10 E-mail accounts | 15 E-mail accounts | 20 E-mail accounts |
Frontpage extensions | Frontpage extensions | Frontpage extensions | Frontpage extensions |
Web based statistics | Web based statistics | Web based statistics | Web based statistics |
$15 / month | $25 / month | $35 / month | $45 / month |
Hosting only packages are for web space only.
Page design and updates are provided by the customer.
Weekly updates guaranteed | $10, $15, $20, $25 / month for options 1, 2, 3, 4 |
Scanning of images/artwork | $4 / scan |
Pre made CGI scripts | $50 / script installed and configured for your website |
Custom CGI and Java | Ask for details |
HTML/ Photo editing | $35 / hour |
Graphic design | $35 / hour |
Flash animations | Ask for details |
Search engine submission | $25 per
additional submission |
Additional pages | $45 / page |
Register domain names | $100
(for .com .org .net only) |
Additional Storage | $2 / month per MB |
Transfer web from old host | $50 |
Provide copy of site on disk | $25 |
Additional e-mail accounts | $2 / month each |
Additional service | Ask for details |